New additions to the CPMR Website

Guadiana's father, Jose Guadiana

Guadiana's father, Jose Guadiana

Photograph of Guadiana's father, Jose Guadiana

1977 - Martha Cotera - IWY - NWC

Photograph shows Martha Cotera at the 1977 International Women's Year National Women's Conference in Houston, Texas.

Photocopy of a Picture of Martha Cotera

Photocopy of a picture of Martha Cotera.

Cotera - 1977 - IWY - NWC - Wiener Book

Photograph shows Martha Cotera at the 1977 International Women's Year National Women's Conference in Houston, Texas. Taken from Wiener's Book.

Raza Unida Photograph

Photograph of the Raza Unida Party on the cover of La Lomita in April 1972.

Cotera at Code Pink Rally

This video shows Martha Cotera at the Code Pink Rally in 2013.

Martha and Juan Cotera Pack Up for Crystal City, 1970

This photo shows Martha Cotera and her husband Juan packing for Crystal City, Texas in 1970.

Meeting Notes: RUP Women's Caucus

Meeting notes for the Raza Unida Party Womens Political Caucus.

Yolanda Alaniz resignation from the Seattle Woman's Council

A letter from Shirley Skellenger, then president of the Seattle Women's commission expressing regret on receiving news of Yolanda's resignation due to ill health

United States Senate congratulations letter (2)

A second letter from the U.S Senate congratulating Yolanda Alaniz for recieving a grant to attend college

United States Senate congratulations letter

A letter from the U.S Senate congratulating Yolanda Alaniz for recieving a grant to attend college

My Politics Is Me

First page of a 4 page length document in which Yolanda expresses her political views and why she is a self proclaimed feminist socialist.